FALL 2020
Our showcase went online again this semester. Thank you to all the students and faculty who worked through the pandemic circumstances by following the guidelines for our in-person campus classes and online. Thank you to our incredible donors, Donald Sloan, J. LaVar Bateman, and Kevin Jones, who believe in our students and make this showcase possible with a cash scholarship for each participant. We invite you to listen to their incredible stories here:

Breanna Jones
is a senior majoring in Exercise and Wellness from Albany, Oregon: Vulnerability and Love: The Keys to Overcoming Pornography Addiction
Megan Frandsen
is a junior majoring in Exercise and Wellness from Orem, Utah:Put Down Your Phone and Be Present

Devin Marispini
is a sophomore majoring in Exercise and Wellness from Peoria, Arizona:Tolerating Evil

Mackenzie Bailey
is a sophomore majoring in Exercise and Wellness from Colorado Springs, Colorado: Big Trouble in Littles’ Technology
Lydia Burton
is a freshman majoring in Exercise and Wellness from Tallahassee, Florida:Unveiling the Neglected Truth About Adoption

Jared Buhler
is a freshman from with an undeclared major from Springville, Utah: People over Phones
Mark Vogt
is a sophomore who is a pre-Business major from Palm Springs, California:Happiness Done Right

Savanna Kobza
is a senior majoring in Wildlife & Wildlands Conservation from Pawnee City, Nebraska: Cleaner Energy, Brighter FutureCONGRATULATIONS TO OUR SEMIFINALISTS:

Cameron Owens is a sophomore majoring in Entrepreneurial Management from Orange, California.

Zach Sweetin is a sophomore majoring in Political Science from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Anna Ott is an open major freshman from Holladay, Utah.

ShaLora Marotz is a sophomore with an undeclared major and is from various places as she traveled with her family in the military.
Hanna Clair is a freshman majoring in Exercise and Wellness from Renton, Washington.
Anne Wirthin is a freshman majoring in Pre-dietetics from Las Vegas, Nevada.