Winter 2022 Skip to main content


Our showcase went online again this semester. Thank you to all the students and faculty who worked through the pandemic circumstances by following the guidelines for our in-person campus classes and online. Thank you to our incredible donors, Donald Sloan, J. LaVar Bateman, and Kevin Jones, who believe in our students and make this showcase possible with a cash scholarship for each participant. We invite you to listen to their incredible stories here:

This semester’s showcase highlights the top finalist speakers chosen by our faculty judges from among all the public speaking sections. You can watch the entire playlist of our nine finalist speakers or choose individual speeches below:

Congratulations to both the speech finalists and semifinalist!


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Maggie Elizabeth Draper

is a junior majoring in Exercise Science from Overland Park, Kansas: The Missing Key to Your Dream Relationship

1st Place - Awarded a Marie Clegg Jones Scholarship, $1000.
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Rachel Parkinson Hansen

is a senior majoring in Human Development from Draper, Utah: Recycle Yourself. Donate Life

2nd Place - Awarded a Marie Clegg Jones Scholarship, $800.
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Cara Snowder

is a junior majoring in Dietetics from Sandy, Utah: Get Rid of the Soda!

3rd Place - Awarded a Marie Clegg Jones Scholarship, $500.
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Gallagher Snow

is a freshman from Grayslake, Illinois: Public Transportation or Bus't'

Awarded a Bateman Scholarship, $350.
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Lindsey Middleton

is a sophomore majoring in Exercise and Wellness from Provo, Utah: The Case for Cursive

Awarded a Bateman Scholarship, $350.
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Sean Patrik Kerry

is a senior majoring in Neuroscience from Dayton, Ohio: A Most Dangerous Phrase

Awarded a Sloan Scholarship, $350.
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Christian Pearson

is a freshman majoring in Psychology and Spanish Studies from Los Angeles, California: The Selfish Hero

Awarded a Sloan Scholarship, $350.


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Sierra Johnson is a sophomore majoring in Exercise and Wellness from Jasper, Arkansas. Awarded a Sloan Scholarship, $175.
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Tierzah Truman is a junior majoring in Exercise and Wellness from San Clemente, California. Awarded a Bateman Scholarship, $175.
Jonah Armstrong is sophomore majoring in Global Supply Chain from Highland, Utah. Awarded a Sloan Scholarship, $175.
Sam Eades is a junior majoring in Pre-Business from Urbana, Ohio. Awarded a Bateman Scholarship, $175.
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Stephanie Davis is a freshman majoring in Library Science from Winchester, Kentucky. Awarded a Bateman Scholarship, $175.
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Tyler Sansom Ashby is a sophomore majoring in Marketing from Pleasant Grove, Utah. Awarded a Sloan Scholarship, $175.